Our services.


    Can’t shape your brows in to place? Are they uneven? Brows are cousins, not identical sisters unfortunately… Let us help you get those brows looking snatched!

    We offer

    -Brow Waxing + Shaping

    -Brow Lamination

    -Brow Tinting


    What if I said I can make your life SO much easier…

    We offer both Lash Extensions and Lash Lifts! Lash Lifts are perfect for clients who have beautiful natural lashes. Lash lifts will help boost and lift, making your lashes look noticeably different.

    Lash Extensions are perfect for clients that don’t want the extra work put in to the mornings to get ready. We offer natural (classic) to an in-between (volume) to dramatic (mega) lashes!


    We all love to feel refreshed and renewed!

    Booking with one of our licensed estheticians for a facial will leave you feeling brand new and youthful! Facials are great for dry tired or even problematic skin. Choosing the right facial for you can change your life.

    We offer:

    -Customized Facials

    -Pregnancy Facials


    -Chemical Peels




    Did someone say BRONZED BAE?

    Yes, in fact I can guarantee that you’ll love being tanned by our Bronzed Bae Artist. Sierrah will never leave you looking like an orange crayon. Her custom luxury spray tans will make you feel as if you just left vacation looking bronzed and beautiful.


    SMILE. Your on camera.

    Embarrassed of your smile? Stained teeth from drinking coffee every day?

    Our 30 minute OR 60 minute sessions can help with that!


    Smooooth like butter.

    Legs, arms, back, chest, Brazilians, we can do it all! Don’t have to worry about shaving anymore or deal with razor bumps!


    Specializing in natural nails providing a luxury nail service with the option of dry manicures or gel overlay.